Ulf Markwardt wrote:

>I would like to automatically invite every new user of our computing center to 
>our mailing list. But I need an adapted text for the invitation/confirmation 
>request. This is, to decrease the possibility that this e-Mail might be 
>considered an spam by the receiver.
>* Is it possible to adapt the invitation text "We have received a request from 
>xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx for subscription of your mailing list..." to the actual list? 

The above text is not from an invitation, it is from a subscription
request from the listinfo page. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address that
the request came from and is included for tracing in case the request
was not initiated be the subscribee. You can change the template from
which this is generated.

>* In the Admin-Section, there is the chance to invite a list of users wit a 
>personalized text. Is this option somehow available via the email interface? 

No. There is no email "invite" function.

for information on editing templates. The invitation template is
invite.txt, and the subscription confirmation template is verify.txt.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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