Thanks to all that replied.
Your help was very much appreciated.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Percival, Mark 
> Sent: 17 August 2001 15:05
> To:   MapInfo-L (E-mail)
> Subject:      Would anyone like to tackle this one?
> Listers,
> I have a series of shapes (polygons, points - whatever). I would like to
> update their 'id' by the position of their centroid within the world from
> west to east.  Would be nice to have the option for north/south and so on.
> This is primarily for labelling purposes and would give a nice finishing
> touch to a map as it would make it very readable.
> Also, can anyone tell me how to label sequentially in a thematic legend.
> All I can get is 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2,20 etc.
> Would anyone like the challenge?
> Thank you for your help.
> Mark Percival

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