Hi all, 


We have recently installed MI Pro 7.5 on several new computers and have
come up against numerous problems.  The three computers are HPs, all of
different spec and all running XP. Identical computers running Win2k are
running fine.  To date we have noted the following:


Digitising - region objects just digitised go a bit crazy and display
nodes that have not been entered.  This appears to be a display issue as
the 'extra' nodes are not selectable and do not appear if the table is
opened on a Win2k computer.


Saving workspaces/tables - frequently, saving a workspace will remove
objects from a table.  By this I mean that after saving a workspace and
all table files in it, then reopening the workspace, some of the region
objects in one of the tables will be missing.  In addition, the
workspace will lose some thematic layers on opening.  In effect,
'saving' seems instead to delete all the last changes.


Tables created in on XP computers will sometimes become corrupted and
trying to save them after edits results in an out of disk space error
and tells you to revert the table to avoid database corruption.  The
table is automatically reverted losing all edits.



I am all out of ideas on these issues - if anyone can shed any light on
any of them I would be very grateful.  The computers are all on a
network and all files stored on the server.  I don't know enough about
computers to know if this could be related, but other software seems to
be running with no problems.


Thanks in advance


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