Title: Message

Here are half the answers:


2. Just Go to Select… and choose the layer you want to select from there – leave the rest blank – this acts as a select all.

4. Go to http://www.directionsmag.com/files/index.php/browse/




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig Westell
Sent: 03 August 2006 04:51
To: MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] various bits


A couple of queries from a novice:


1. Is there somewhere I can download a broader range of north arrows and scale bars for use in MI 8.5. I find the standard set limited. Otherwise, what is the best way to create your own north arrows.


2. It would be nice if the 'Select All from ....' button was expanded so you could choose any open layer without having to first rearrange or deselect the layers in the Layer Control. Or am I just missing something here?


3. I'm wanting to produce scaled maps with grid overlays, i.e. set a scale, add a grid then print to scale. Trying to set these up in a map window then getting it to transfer into a layout without losing scale or the fonts going nuts is a bit of a headache. Can this be done simply in MI or does anyone know where there might be a tutorial to walk me through this?


4. what websites should i keep an eye on for useful MI plugins?




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