well, i'm pushing 30 and i've been tinkering with the insides of
programs/scripts since learning basic on the C64 in 1984...

so, what's the definitional difference between programming and scripting?

we can talk about 2nd and 3rd generation languages, but then i've written a
gazillion functions and stuff which colleagues can use in their own
programs, so someone like me might look at them and say they are scripting
because they are just using what i've created to solve a problem
programattically.  but then the guys who wrote the functions i use to make
my functions would look at me as some skript-kiddie too...

who cares?  i'm too generalised with programming and databases and gis and
web apps and stuff so i just call myself an 'architect' nowadays :p


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, 9 February 2006 9:36 AM
To: Bill Thoen
Cc: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: RE: Ang. Re: [MI-L] Settle a bet - Is MapBasic Programming

OK guys you are scaring me.

There are a lot of young 'uns on this list that have only read about DOS and
that was in a book on "Its all about marketing - not what you sell."
Assembly was something they went to at school in the mornings.

Assembly is for geeks, not real programmers - but it will be a good comeback
next time I have to deal with one of those uppity C programmers.

And MapBasic is a programming language - The MapInfo Menu is "Run MapBasic
Program" Not "Run MapBasic Script"


Robert Crossley
Agtrix P/L Australia
Far Southern Queensland Office:
9 Short Street
PO Box 63
New Brighton 2483
P: 61 2 6680 1309
F: 61 2 6680 5214
W: www.agtrix.com
Brisbane Office:
109 Milsom St
Cooparoo  4151
P: 61 7 3843 3363
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Thoen
Sent: 09 February 2006 01:23
Subject: Re: Ang. Re: [MI-L] Settle a bet - Is MapBasic Programming

On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 09:59:57AM +0100, Mats Elfström wrote:
> "Real programmers program in assembler, using edlin"
> Yeah - it's still there. Edlin I mean. Even in Windows XP.

The problem with edlin is that it doesn't *compile* Assembler, so all you
get is a nice text file. Now if you want to do real programming right on the
bare metal, you can't beat DEBUG. It, too, still comes with XP, but you have
to specifically install it from the CD (i.e. you just copy it on to your
hard disk.)  With DEBUG, you can write, load, disassemble/assemble and run
any code (machine language, of course).

- Bill Thoen
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