Dear MARMAM list members,

The following workshop entitled "Bottlenose dolphin’s conservation:
what can we learn from different resident populations?", will be held
at the upcoming Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society on
Saturday, 6th April. The workshop will start at 09:30 and finish at
18.00. More information on

If you would like to participate and have not yet registered, please


*9.15-9.40h – Registration*


*9.40-10.00h - An Action Plan for the protection and monitoring of the
resident population of bottlenose dolphins from the Sado *

*Estuary (Portugal) – Marina Sequeira - Institute for Nature
Conservation and Forestry (ICNF)*


*10.00-10.20h - A short story of a very small resident population –
Raquel Gaspar – Associação Viver a Ciência*

*10.20-10.40h - Social structure, abundance and conservation of a
population of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus,
in the English Channel – Marie Louis - Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de
Chizé (CEBC)*


*10.40-11.00h - Diet and life history of bottlenose dolphins – Graham
Pierce - Aberdeen University and Aveiro University*

*11.00-11.30h – COFFEE BREAK*

*11.30-11.50h - The bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu,
1821) in Galicia and Norte Peninsular – Alfredo Lopez - *

*CEMMA (presented by Graham **Pierce - Aberdeen University and Aveiro

*11.50-12.10h - Movements, abundance, and population structure of the
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Pelagos *

*Sanctuary (north‐west Mediterranean Sea) – Guido Gnone - Acquario di Genova*


*12.10-12.30h - An integrative approach to population structureand
social kin associations of sympatric coastal bottlenose *

*dolphins (Portugal) with implications for their conservation – Inês
Carvalho – Associação para as Ciências do Mar and Instituto Gulbenkian
Ciência *

*12.30-12.50h - Evaluation of the use of the Sado estuary (Setúbal,
Portugal) by the resident bottlenose dolphin population. **Results
from a new goniometric method - Inês Brito -  Centro de Oceanografia –
Laboratório Marítimo da Guia,  Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade
de Lisboa*

*12.50-14.00h – LUNCH BREAK*


*14.10-14.30h – Monitoring bottlenose dolphins in SACs - the c ase of
the Shannon estuary, Ireland – Emer Rogan – University  *

*College Cork***


*14.30-14.50h - Slovenian dolphin project: research and conservation
of common bottlenose dolphins in Slovenia – Tilen Genov - Morigenos –
Slovenian Marine Mammal Society *

*14.50-15.10h - Potential impacts of artisanal fisheries on the
bottlenose dolphin population of the Sado estuary, Portugal – *

*Marina Laborde – Centro de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade de Lisboa*

*15.10-15.30h - Common bottlenose dolphins and marine fin-fish farms:
co-existence or conflict? – Bruno Diaz Lopez - *

*Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute BDRI*

*15.30 – 16.00h – COFFEE BREAK*


*16.00-16.20h - Disappearing killer whales (Orcinus orca) and coastal
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops  **truncatus) in Europe: What’s causing
the declines? – Paul Jepson – Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society
of London*

*16.20-16.40h- Coastal bottlenose dolphins off the Arrábida and Tróia
shores: Who are they? How many are there? – Francisco *

*Martinho – Escola de Mar*

*16.40-17.00h - Developing acoustic monitoring techniques using C-PODs
for monitoring Annex II species in Special Areas of *

*Conservation – Joanne O’Brien - Marine Biodiversity Research Group
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology*


*17.00-18.00h – Discussion and Concluding Remarks *


Inês Carvalho

Associação para as Ciências do Mar

Edif. ICAT  - Campus da FCUL

Campo Grande

1749-016 Lisboa


Population and Conservation Genetics Group
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras
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