Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce that a new publication on fasting endocrinology in 
fur seals is now available in American Journal of Physiology . 

Delphine Verrier, Shannon Atkinson, Christophe Guinet, René Groscolas and John 
P. Y. Arnould. Hormonal responses to extreme fasting in subantarctic fur seal ( 
Arctocephalus tropicalis ) pups. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 
302:R929-R940, 2012. First published 8 February 2012; 


Surviving prolonged fasting implies closely regulated alterations in fuel 
provisioning to meet metabolic requirements, while preserving homeostasis. 
Little is known, however, of the endocrine regulations governing such metabolic 
adaptations in naturally fasting free-ranging animals. The hormonal responses 
to natural prolonged fasting and how they correlate to the metabolic 
adaptations observed, were investigated in subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus 
tropicalis) pups, which, because of the intermittent pattern of maternal 
attendance, repeatedly endure exceptionally long fasting episodes throughout 
their development (1-3 mo). Phase I fasting was characterized by a dramatic 
decrease in plasma insulin, glucagon, leptin, and total l-thyroxine (T(4)) 
associated with reductions in mass-specific resting metabolic rate (RMR), 
plasma triglycerides, glycerol, and urea-to-creatine ratio, while nonesterified 
fatty acids (NEFA) and β-OHB increased. In contrast, the metabolic steady-state 
of phase II fasting reached within 6 days was associated with minimal 
concentrations of insulin, glucagon, and leptin; unchanged cortisol and 
triiodothyronine (T(3)); and moderately increased T(4). The early fall in 
insulin and leptin may mediate the shift to the strategy of energy 
conservation, protein sparing, and primary reliance on body lipids observed in 
response to the cessation of feeding. In contrast to the typical mammalian 
starvation response, nonelevated cortisol and minimal glucagon levels may 
contribute to body protein preservation and downregulation of catabolic 
pathways, in general. Furthermore, thyroid hormones may be involved in a 
process of energy conservation, independent of pups' nutritional state. These 
original hormonal settings might reflect an adaptation to the otariid repeated 
fasting pattern and emphasize the crucial importance of a tight physiological 
control over metabolism to survive extreme energetic constraints. 

Best wishes, 



Dr Delphine Verrier 
Primate Centre and Ecology of Health Research Unit 
International Centre of Medical Research of Franceville (CIRMF) 
Po Box 769, Franceville, GABON 
Phone: +241 07 98 56 69 
Email: or 
Skype: ddlafouine1 

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