[MARMAM] Skinny fin whales: Nova Scotia

2008-07-29 Thread mjtetley
I’ve been collecting data over the past four weeks on the distribution of rorqual whales off the Atlantic Coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.   During this time I have encountered a lot of rather skinny looking fin whales. Almost all sighted displayed distinct signs of the vertebrae being discerna

[MARMAM] Humpback whale dorsal fin abnormality

2007-10-12 Thread mjtetley
The Húsavík Whale Museum, a non-profit organisation, in Iceland has been collecting photo-identification and sightings data of minke whales, humpback whales and white-beaked dolphins for a period of over seven years. The aim of this research has been to understand the distribution of these spec

[MARMAM] New Beaked Whale Information Website Launched

2005-12-23 Thread MJTetley
          NEW BEAKED WHALE INFORMATION WEBSITE LAUNCHED      The BEAKED WHALE RESOURCE is a new web-based initiative providing a forum for those with an interest in the elusive Ziphiid species.   The aims of the BEAKED WHALE RESOURCE are to: ·    Be a global information resou

[MARMAM] Volunteers Sought for Cetacean Survey

2005-12-09 Thread MJTetley
Volunteers Sought for Cetacean Survey Organisation Cetacea (ORCA) have again been given the opportunity to join a platform of opportunity for cetacean observations in collaboration with the French Research Institute IFREMER. This institute participates in the "International Bottom Trawl Survey" or