The Protected Species Branch of NOAA Fisheries' Northeast Fisheries 
Science Center in Woods Hole, MA, is recruiting three fishery 
biologists/wildlife biologists whose primary duties will be to:
(a) conduct marine mammal and turtle sighting surveys onboard NOAA 
aircraft and vessels within the US EEZ; (b) collect and analyze data on 
the abundance, distribution, bycatch, strandings, biology and  ecology 
of protected species; (c) participate in seasonal protected species 
surveys; (d) prepare relevant reports and papers on the biology and 
status of protected species in NW Atlantic waters; (e) analyze life 
history characteristics, habitat use, food habits and/or behavior of 
protected species; and (f) assist in the development, improvement and 
maintenance of protected species databases and/or analytical techniques.

The position descriptions and application instructions are available at 
USAJOBS (, announcement number 
NMFS-NEFSC-2011-0056.  The closing date of the announcement is 7 April 2011.

Mike Simpkins, Ph.D.
Chief, Protected Species Branch
Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NOAA/NMFS
166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543
Phone:  508-495-2358
Fax:  508-495-2032

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