Good afternoon,
We apologise for cross posting and are pleased to share our new article: 
Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Esteban, R. and de Stephanis, R. (2020). 
Demographic parameters of a free-ranging deep-diving cetacean, the long-finned 
pilot whale. Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12752 Abstract:
Demographic parameters provide baselines to estimate future population 
trajectories which can then be used in management decisions. The aim here was 
to estimate demographic parameters of long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala 
melas) from the Strait of Gibraltar by fitting mark-recapture models to 
photo-identification data of pri- mary and secondary marked individuals. These 
parameters were used to forecast the future population trajectories in a 
population viability analysis (PVA) given different scenarios of demographic 
rates. Survival rate increased with age from 0.629, 95% CI [0.409, 0.805] for 
calves, 0.869, 95% CI [0.758, 0.934] for juveniles, to 0.972, 95% CI [0.953, 
0.983] for adults. A preliminary mean observed interval of viable calves was 
4.5 years. The PVA estimated the population would persist over 100 years with a 
100% probability for all scenarios except those with lower 95% CI survival 
values, for which the probability of extinction reached 100%. Popu- lation 
growth rate was negative in all scenarios except those with 95% CI upper 
survival values. Interbirth interval and juvenile survival were found most 
influential and depended on the correct identification of secondary marked 
(e.g., calves and juveniles) individuals on a long-term basis. This population 
was found in a precarious state prior to a morbillivirus outbreak that might 
even more endanger its long-term viability. 
The article can be accessed in the following link:
Or by request at my email: philippeverborgh(a)
Thank you,
Philippe Verborgh and co-authors
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