A new article has been printed in Ecological Applications:
"Moore, J. E., and A. J. Read. 2008. A Bayesian uncertainty analysis of 
cetacean demography and bycatch mortality using age-at-death data. Ecological 
Applications 18:1914-1931."
For those with subscriptions, the article can be accessed here:
If you cannot access it this way, feel free to write me (jemo...@duke.edu) for 
a pdf.
Wildlife ecologists and managers are challenged to make the most of sparse 
information for understanding demography of many species, especially those that 
are long lived and difficult to observe. For many odontocete (dolphin, 
porpoise, toothed whale) populations, only fertility and age-at-death data are 
feasibly obtainable. We describe a Bayesian approach for using fertilities and 
two types of age-at-death data (i.e., age structure of deaths from all 
mortality sources and age structure of anthropogenic mortalities only) to 
estimate rate of increase, mortality rates, and impacts of anthropogenic 
mortality on those rates for a population assumed to be in a stable age 
structure. We used strandings data from 1977 to 1993 (n = 96) and observer 
bycatch data from 1989 to 1993 (n = 233) for the Gulf of Maine, USA, and Bay of 
Fundy, Canada, harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) population as a case study. 
Our method combines mortality risk functions to estimate parameters describing 
age-specific natural and bycatch mortality rates. Separate functions are 
simultaneously fit to bycatch and strandings data, the latter of which are 
described as a mixture of natural and bycatch mortalities. Euler-Lotka 
equations and an estimate of longevity were used to constrain parameter 
estimates, and we included a parameter to account for unequal probabilities of 
natural vs. bycatch deaths occurring in a sample. We fit models under two 
scenarios intended to correct for possible data bias due to indirect bycatch of 
calves (i.e., death following bycatch mortality of mothers) being 
underrepresented in the bycatch sample. Results from the two scenarios were 
“model averaged” by sampling from both Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains 
with uniform probability. The median estimate for potential population growth 
(rnat) was 0.046 (90% credible interval [CRI] = 0.004–0.116). The median for 
actual growth (r) was −0.030 (90% CRI = −0.192 to +0.065). The probability of 
population decline due to added fisheries mortality, prior to management to 
reduce bycatch, was 0.690. Our approach takes into account multiple sources of 
uncertainty in data and process, and it provides posterior distributions for a 
rich set of demographic rate parameters that are unknown for most cetaceans. 
This method should be easily adaptable to other taxa for which fertility and 
age-at-death data are available.

Thanks for your interest,
Jeffrey Moore, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Duke University Marine Laboratory
135 Duke Marine Lab Road
Beaufort, NC 28516
Phone: (252) 504-7621
Fax: (252) 504-7689
Email: jemo...@duke.edu
Web: www.duke.edu/~jemoore
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