Dear  all

I'm pleased to announce the following paper.

Title: Individuality embedded in the isolation calls of captive beluga whales 
(Delphinapterus leucas)

Authors: Mishima Y., Morisaka T., Itoh M., Matsuo I., Sakaguchi A., Miyamoto Y.

Zoological letters 2015 1:27
DOI: 10.1186/s40851-015-0028-x

 Species with fission-fusion social systems tend to exchange individualized 
contact calls to maintain group
cohesion. Signature whistles by bottlenose dolphins are unique compared to the 
contact calls of other non-human
animals in that they include identity information independent of voice cues. 
Further, dolphins copy the signatures of
conspecifics and use them to label specific individuals. Increasing our 
knowledge of the contact calls of other cetaceans
that have a fluid social structure may thus help us better understand the 
evolutionary and adaptive significance of all
forms of individually distinctive calls. It was recently reported that one type 
of broadband pulsed sounds (PS1), rather
than whistles, may function as individualized contact calls in captive belugas. 
The objective of this study was to assess
the function and individual distinctiveness of PS1 calls in an isolation 
context. Recordings were made from five captive
belugas, including both sexes and various ages.

 PS1 was the predominant call type (38 % in total) out of five broader sound 
categories. One sub-adult and three
adults had individually distinctive and stereotyped pulse repetition pattern in 
PS1; one calf showed no clear stereotyped
pulse repetition pattern. While visual inspection of the PS1 power spectra 
uncovered no apparent individual specificity,
statistical analyses revealed that both temporal and spectral parameters had 
inter-individual differences and that there
was greater inter-individual than intra-individual variability. Discriminant 
function analysis based on five temporal and
spectral parameters classified PS1 calls into individuals with an overall 
correct classification rate of 80.5 %, and the most
informative parameter was the average Inter-pulse interval, followed by peak 

 These results suggest that belugas use individually distinctive contact calls 
in an isolation context. If belugas
encode signature information in PS1 calls, as seen in bottlenose dolphins, the 
pulse repetition pattern may be the carrier,
as it is individually stereotyped and appears to require vocal development. 
This idea is supported by the finding that the
average inter-pulse interval is the most powerful discriminator in discriminant 
analysis. Playback experiments will elucidate
which parameters are perceived as individual characteristics, and whether one 
of the parameters functions as a signature.

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Yuka Mishima

Yuka Mishima
The Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
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