We are pleased to share our new publication in Frontiers in Marine Science with 
the MARMAM community:

Campana SE, Finnsdóttir SV and Sigurðsson GM (2024) Bomb radiocarbon determines 
absolute age of adult fin whales, and validates use of earplug growth bands for 
age determination. Frontiers in Marine Science. 11:1327752. doi: 

Baleen whales are one of the few vertebrate taxa for which there are no 
confirmed estimates of longevity or methods of age determination. Lamina counts 
in the waxy earplug are assumed to represent age, but ageing accuracy is 
completely unknown. In this study, bomb radiocarbon assays of the earplug 
growth sequence in three adult fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) were used to 
prepare the most complete within-individual bomb radiocarbon chronologies yet 
reported for any vertebrate. The whale radiocarbon chronologies matched those 
of known-age carbonate reference chronologies very well, indicating that the 
earplug laminae were both metabolically stable and formed throughout the life 
of the whale. Earplug lamina counts accurately represented absolute ages of 
65-85 yr to within 6% of the correct age. Detection of a significant declining 
trend in δ13C with year of lamina formation within individual whales was 
consistent with that of the Suess effect, again underlining the metabolic 
stability of the earplug laminae. Given our results, recent applications of 
earplug laminae for reconstructing diet and life history events appear to be 
firmly based, with the potential for further elemental and isotopic 
applications analogous to those of the otolith.

The article is open access and available here: 

All the best,

Guðjón Már Sigurðsson, Ph.D, M.Sc.
Sjávarlíffræðingur / Marine biologist
Uppsjávarsviði / Pelagic division
Hafrannsóknastofnun / Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
+354 575-2113

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