On behalf of my co-authors, I'm happy to announce the publication of our
new paper, available in early view

Van Cise, AM, RW Baird, CS Baker, S Cerchio, D Claridge, R Fielding, B
Hancock-Hanser, J Marrero, KK Martien,  AA Mignucci-Giannoni, EM Oleson, M
Oremus, MM Poole, PE Rosel, BL Taylor, PA Morin. 2019. Oceanographic
barriers, divergence, and admixture: Phylogeography and taxonomy of two
putative subspecies of short‐finned pilot whale. *Molecular Ecology *

*Abstract*: Genomic phylogeography plays an important role in describing
evolutionary processes and their geographic, ecological, or cultural
drivers. These drivers are often poorly understood in marine environments,
which have fewer obvious barriers to mixing than terrestrial environments.
Taxonomic uncertainty of some taxa (e.g., cetaceans), due to the difficulty
in obtaining morphological data, can hamper our understanding of these
processes. One such taxon, the short‐finned pilot whale, is recognized as a
single global species but includes at least two distinct morphological
forms described from stranding and drive hunting in Japan, the “Naisa” and
“Shiho” forms. Using samples (n = 735) collected throughout their global
range, we examine phylogeographic patterns of divergence by comparing
mitogenomes and nuclear SNP loci. Our results suggest three types within
the species: an Atlantic Ocean type, a western/central Pacific and Indian
Ocean (Naisa) type, and an eastern Pacific Ocean and northern Japan (Shiho)
type. mtDNA control region differentiation indicates these three types form
two subspecies, separated by the East Pacific Barrier: Shiho short‐finned
pilot whale, in the eastern Pacific Ocean and northern Japan, and Naisa
short‐finned pilot whale, throughout the remainder of the species'
distribution. Our data further indicate two diverging populations within
the Naisa subspecies, in the Atlantic Ocean and western/central Pacific and
Indian Oceans, separated by the Benguela Barrier off South Africa. This
study reveals a process of divergence and speciation within a
globally‐distributed, mobile marine predator, and indicates the importance
of the East Pacific Barrier to this evolutionary process.

You can access the paper through early view
<>, or please
contact me if you need a pdf copy and don't have access to one.

Warm regards,

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Amy M. Van Cise, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Sensory Ecology and Bioacoustics Lab <>
266 Woods Hole Rd
Marine Research Facility 236
Woods Hole, MA, 02543

508-289-3419 <>
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