On behalf of my co-authors, I am excited to share our recent publication.

S.G. Weiss, D. Cholewiak, K.E. Frasier, J.S. Trickey, S. Baumann-Pickering,
J.A. Hildebrand, S.M. Van Parijs, Monitoring the acoustic ecology of the
shelf break of Georges Bank, Northwestern Atlantic Ocean: New approaches to
visualizing complex acoustic data, Mar. Policy. 130 (2021) 104570.
Within a soundscape, anthropogenic sound often dominates frequency ranges
used by various species, leading to signal overlap and potential
communication masking. The acoustic niche hypothesis predicts species will
avoid competition by vocalizing at unique bandwidths. To evaluate the
extent of anthropogenic overlap, it’s helpful to understand acoustic niches
across time. This study aims to assess the co-occurrence of cetaceans and
anthropogenic activities, presenting simple and accessible visualizations
of the temporal and spectral overlap. Continuous passive acoustic
recordings from 10Hz to 100 kHz were collected near three deep-water
canyons (Heezen, Oceanographer, and Nantucket) along the continental shelf
break of Georges Bank between April 2015 and March 2016. Daily presence was
documented for five mysticete species (North Atlantic right, fin, blue,
sei, humpback), five odontocete species and/or groups combined according to
primary frequency ranges (delphinids, sperm whales, Kogia spp, Sowerby’s,
and Cuviers’/True’s/Gervais’ beaked whales), and four anthropogenic
activities (airgun noise, broadband ship noise, echosounders, and
explosions). At each site, cetacean and anthropogenic sources were found to
be significant contributors. Individual cetacean species/groups were
present from 2% to 100% of days across sites, with delphinids, sperm
whales, and fin whales detected most consistently. Airgun noise, the most
frequently detected anthropogenic signal, ranged from 50-91% of days across
all sites, followed by broadband ship noise (15-65% of days), echosounders
(1-14% of days), and one explosion detected at Oceanographer Canyon. This
approach allows for broad comparison of species and anthropogenic activity,
providing understanding of variability in acoustic overlap and potential
masking between sites.

The full open access article is available at:
To request a PDF copy or for further information please reach out to me at

Sarah Weiss
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