Dear Marmamers, I'm pleased to share a recent publication from our research

Figueiredo, G.C.; do Amaral, K.B. and Santos, M.C. de O. 2020. Cetaceans
along the southeastern Brazilian coast: occurrence, distribution and niche
inference at local scale. PeerJ 8: e10000.

Abstract: It is deemed important to understand cetacean occurrence and
distribution to

comprehend their ecological roles. The geographical occurrence of species'
niche can

be used to better describe their potential distribution. The niche can be
defined using

environmental variables. Those variables are considered static and not
affected by

biological activities. The present study goal was to assess the occurrence
and distribution

of cetaceans along the southeastern Brazilian coast, as well as to define
the fundamental

and realized niche of each species and to investigate niche overlap at
local scale.

The environmental requirements for each species were also investigated

statistical tests. Sighting data were obtained through oceanographic
surveys conducted

between 2012 and 2015. The environmental variables available on MARSPEC and

software NicheA were used for the ecological niche modeling. A total of
twelve cetacean

species were identified and the potential distribution areas of the six
commonest ones

were defined. Even though the species presented different environmental

most of them had partial overlap among niches and potential distribution
areas. The

environmental heterogeneity of the study area might support the
co-occurrence of

different species with different environmental requirements.

Open access:

Prof. Marcos Cesar de Oliveira Santos
Laboratorio de Biologia da Conservacao de Mamiferos AquƔticos (LABCMA)
Instituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil
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