Dear Marmans,

We are pleased to announce a new project: “*Census of bottlenose dolphins
and short-finned pilot whales in Tenerife, Canary Islands*”. This is a
Citizen Science Project and the SECAC is currently accepting participants
for fieldwork.

Society for Study of Cetaceans in the Canary Archipelago (SECAC) is a
scientific NGO, founded in 1993, that aims to conduct and promote research
projects and conservation efforts regarding cetaceans in the Canary Islands.The
main objective of this research is to know the size of the population of
bottlenose dolphins (*Tursiops truncatus*)  and short-finned pilot
whales (*Globicephala
macrorhynchus*) on the south West coast of Tenerife, a Special Area for
Conservation (SAS´s) under the EU Habitat Directive (Natura 2000 Network)
(Franja Marina Teno-Rasca ES7020017). A fundamental aspect of these studies
is the individual recognition with photo-identification techniques and
robust capture-recapture techniques. The Canary Archipelago is located in
the Northeast Atlantic, on the African continental edge, in the
Macaronesian Atlantic subregion, a worldwide interest for the richness and
diversity of cetaceans. In the Canary Islands 30 species of cetaceans,
belonging to 7 families, have been recorded. Many of these species are
oceanic, rare and little known globally.

The project starts in May 2022. The participants will be involved in all
aspects of this investigation closely with experts: fieldwork sea-surveys,
entering data in databases, data processing, etc. Each campaign will have a
duration of one week: the first day will be dedicated to the training
and practical) on monitoring protocols and  6 days of fieldwork sea-surveys
aboard a semi-rigid pneumatic boat. This research experience requires a
donation to cover running field work costs. Accommodation is not included
in this fee but the participants can easily find accommodation in the Adeje
or Arona. For more information on data, conditions and participants fees

Feel free to contact us at:


*Society for the Study of Cetaceans in the Canary Islands (SECAC).*

* CIF:G-38343497. Casa de los Arroyos, Avenida Coll 3, 35500 Arrecife (Las
Palmas) Lanzarote, Islas Canarias.*

* <>
<> *

* Phone number: +34 928607101 *

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