Dear MARMAM members,

On behalf of Guido J. Parra, Lars Bejder and Colin MacLeod  I'm glad to 
announce the following workshops to be held in July 2013 in Australia:

Workshop Announcement: An Introduction to Using GIS in Marine Mammal Research

Flinders University, Murdoch University and GIS in Ecology will be holding two 
introductory training workshops on using GIS for marine mammal research:

Workshop # 1:
Location: Adelaide, South Australia.
Dates: 15th - 19th of July, 2013
Venue: Stamford Grand Adelaide Hotel<>, Glenelg, 
South Australia

Workshop # 2:
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia.
Dates: 22nd - 26th of July, 2013
Venue: The Esplanade Hotel<>, 
Fremantle, Western Australia

The two workshops, funded by the Australian Marine Mammal 
Centre<>, are planned to build expertise in the 
Australian marine mammal research community in the use of Geographic 
Information Systems (GIS) to capture, store, manipulate, analyse, manage, and 
present geographically referenced data related to marine mammal ecological 

The workshops are aimed at postgraduate students, academics and government 
agency representatives who are just starting to use GIS in their research or 
have little or no existing knowledge of this subject area. Participants will be 
selected by relevance to their research and priority will be given to those who 
are directly involved in marine mammal research and conservation in Australia.
There are no fees for attendance at the workshops. Lunch, tea and coffee will 
be provided. Attendees will be responsible for their own travel to workshop 
venues and accommodation.
Applications close on 20th June 2013. Please send a one page overview of how 
this workshop would assist you in your current and future research activities 
focussed on marine mammals. Please note: the number of workshop participants 
will be limited to maximum 15-20 people. Successful applicants will be notified 
on 30th June 2013.

If you are interested in attending the workshop in Adelaide, South Australia 
(15th - 19th of July, 2013), please send your application to Dr. Guido J. 

If you are interested in attending the workshop in Perth, Western Australia 
(22nd - 26th of July, 2013), please send your application to Dr. Lars Bejder:<>

For more information and preliminary workshop timetable and content please 
visit the news sections in<> or<>

All the best,


Guido J. Parra, PhD

Research Leader, Cetacean Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution Lab (CEBEL)
School of Biological Sciences
Flinders University
Sturt Road, Bedford Park|South Australia|5042
GPO Box 2100|Adelaide| South Australia|5001
Lab website:<>
My Flinders Staff Page<>

Cetacean Ecologist
Threatened, Endangered & Protected Species (TEPS)
Marine Environment & Ecology Science Program Area
South Australian Research & Development Institute (SARDI) - Aquatic Sciences

Phone: (+61 8) 8201-3565|Mobile: 0437630843|FAX: (+61 8) 8201-3015
CRICOS Registered Provider. The Flinders University of South Australia|CRICOS 
provider Number: 00114A

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