Thank you very much !!
With python 2.6... There is no error, no crash...
Michael Droettboom a écrit :
> I don't think maxdict is the problem though it may be changing how the
> problem manifests itself. What is happening is that when maxdict is
> used, those C++ extension objects are deleted
I don't think maxdict is the problem though it may be changing how the
problem manifests itself. What is happening is that when maxdict is
used, those C++ extension objects are deleted after the first 50 math
expressions. When using a dict, they aren't deleted until closing the
application, s
I restate the problem :
With the attached script "" :
50 functions (line 31) : the 50 bitmaps are generated correctly, by when
I close the application an error appears in the console :
Assertion failed: ob_refcnt == 0, file CXX\cxx_extensions.cxx, line 1128
This appl
>> This script does'nt work (it causes a PyAssertion error : invalid
>> stock id)
> If it's a PyAssertion error, it should have a traceback. Is there not
> one?
No, this problem is not related with Matplotlib : the PyAssertion error
occurs when creating the wx.Menu ...
Cédrick FAURY wrote:
> Thank you for responding so quickly !!
>> I don't think these problems are related. One is a cache of math
>> expression images, the other is a cache of fonts.
> I know ... and i found a lot of way to reproduce the same crash...
>> I am unable to reproduce this on Matplot
Thank you for responding so quickly !!
I don't think these problems are related. One is a cache of math
expression images, the other is a cache of fonts.
I know ... and i found a lot of way to reproduce the same crash...
I am unable to reproduce this on Matplotlib on Linux (don't
Cédrick FAURY wrote:
I did an application that uses bitmaps constructed with MathTextParser
as described in the example
(I work with Windows XP, python 2.5, Matplotlib 0.98.5 and wxPython
After maki