Hi all,

I have yet to find any source of 80min MDs in 
Canada (well, Toronto - I haven't actually searched 
the entire country store-by-store yet ;^).  Are 
there any up here yet?  Mail-order from the US 
is quite $$$ from the places that seem to carry them. 
(US$12 shipping on first 0.5 lb from Minidisco!)
The Sony stores know nothing of 80min blanks.  :^(
And the MZ-R55 is CDN$600 (=US$400 or so) at Sony.  :^(

Since MD stuff is starting to drop down from the 
stratosphere (74 min blanks now CDN$5, when six months 
ago they were $13 at the same store), I'm hoping 
we'll get offers like that Sony pair of MZE 33 and JE320 
for similar prices (although we have no Circuit City, 

Otherwise, I may have to shuffle off to Buffalo to 
get some MD stuff - even with duties at the border 
it's cheaper.

All the best,


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