Heya guys,

Heh, again it's been to long since I last wrote or infact read the
md-l group. Alas my education takes a lot out of my life.

I'm looking at getting a minidisc deck and a cd deck for my hi-fi. I
was originally looking at getting seperate units. But lack of space in
my uni room, and some of the features make me look at getting a single

I was looking through the RicherSounds Catalogue (more on that later).
I saw MSDX3, I've read a little into it and it sounds like a good
unit, barr the fact it has no optical output (of which I'm not

I was woundering if anyone else had any comments on it? From what I
read it's ideal for my first md deck. I was just woundering what other
fealings people had about it.

2nd, Richer Sounds Internet Ordering... just a little warning. I
recently ordered a pair of speakers (Gale Gold Monitor Mk2) for a
friend. As it was under my name I've had to do all the follow up's,

First of all I ordered these on a Monday morning. RS then did not
process the order until Wednesday, and then debited my credit card.
They then did not ship the speakers until Friday! First of all I find
this bad business practice. Most companys do not take payment until
they ship.

The speakers then did not arive until the Wednesday. They box they
where in was badly beaten (Courier: Business Express), the speakers in
question where damaged. One of the courners of the speaker was dented
and the front covers had been sheared off (ie the plastic bits that go
into the speakers where broken).

I precided to ring up Richer Sounds and complain. Thankfully they
where more the happy to collect the set and then supply a new pair.
Which would have taken aproximatly a week.

My friend decided that he could not be bothered with that and asked
for a discount. Which he got. (Although a little low IMHO), He wanted
postage £8 and £20 for damage to the speakers. Richer Sounds after
consideration with a manager where happy to refund a total of £30.

Although I have had this experience with RS I would still be happy to
shop with them any day. I would visit any store and I would order by
phone to make sure it was sent that day, and I would request a
different carrier.

*shrug*, I appologise for the bad grammer and spelling, I've just got
back from being on the road for about four hours so I'm pritty shot.

On another note, I'm considering stopping my Sharp 7XX web site, if
anyone is intrested in taking it over, or Rick if you want to put it's
content on minidisc.org (which I would prefer). It would be sad to see
it close down after the work I've put into it.

As I said I'm only considering... *shrug* Although it looks more
likely then not *sniff*.

Have fun,

"We do not ask for money, only knowledge." -- Me.
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