Have anyone tried MD-MT90? I wish it had MDLP. Would have been great
for concert taping (mdiscing?)...
I think a great concert taping recorder should have minimum features.
Most Sharp cheaper Sharp models are like that. MT15/20, for example.
Great battery life (and inexpensive battery format), adjustable
recording level (without going through all the menus of new Sony
recorders), relatively cheap (loosing/breaking $300+ recorder in the
crowd would be more painful), etc. It would have been even better if it
was flatter and lighter (SR60/MT90?). Smaller screen would be ok (to
keep the price down). It would have been even better if it had some
sort of simplistic backlighting on that screen (the kind that cheapest
watches have would do just fine to keep the price down). No remote (to
keep the price down) or a remote with a little screen (w/ backlight --
again, following the idea of a cheap watch). No need for AGC. Should
defenetelly have mic-in and line-in. A recording indicator (the red
one) on Sony MZ-R30 was a great idea too. And, I guess, at this point
MDLP is a must. How could they even release MT90 without MDLP? Did I
miss anything?
BTW, did anyone tape/plan to tape Mark Knopfler?

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