Hi there,

   I've recently started converting many of the scripts on my Web site to
   use mod_perl in the interest of increasing performance.

   I've run into a strange problem with Apache::SSI -- only the first few
   SSIs are processed, while the rest show up as SSI tags in the document
   source.  What's odd is that the placement of the SSI directives determines
   whether or not it gets parsed.  If a directive is moved one line up,
   it gets processed.  

   Is there a limit on the size of data chunks that can be parsed by
   Apache::SSI?  Or a limit on the level that SSI directives can be nested?
   The source for the script is at


   while the script itself is at 


   Note that only the first two SSI directives on the top-level page are

   Here's my setup:

      Apache 1.3.29
      mod_perl 1.29
      perl 5.8.0
      Apache::SSI 2.17
      Apache::OutputChain 0.11

      PerlSendHeader On
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlModule Apache::OutputChain Apache::SSIChain Apache::Registry
      PerlHandler Apache::OutputChain Apache::SSIChain Apache::Registry 

   The results are the same if I switch to Apache::Filter.  The SSI 
   directives work fine with HTML files and in the old CGI scripts.

   Does anyone have any ideas?  I'd love for this to work; our script
   processing time is 10x better with mod_perl than with our old CGI



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