[mou-net] Duluth CBC results

2011-12-18 Thread Jim Lind
A preliminary total of 63 species was found on the Duluth CBC on Saturday, December 17th. Highlights included: -- the count's first ever Black-legged Kittiwake (at Canal Park) -- the first Black-billed Magpie since 1972, along the Riley Road (CR 280) off Jean-Duluth Road (CR 37) -- Barrow's G

[mou-net] Duluth CBC results

2009-12-20 Thread Jim Lind
A total of 60 species was found by more than 50 observers on the Duluth CBC on Saturday, December 19th. Three new species for the count were found on Saturday: Black-headed Grosbeak (east Duluth) Barrow's Goldeneye (Leif Erickson Park) Chipping Sparrow (W. Tischer Road) Other highlights inclu