Following a tip from Lars Benson, Doug Stucki and I drove out to St. John's 
University campus this morning to look for Bohemian waxwings, but we were 
unsuccessful.  Admittedly, it was two days after Lars saw them, but - you never 

On the way back through St. Cloud we checked the VA campus for crossbills - 
nothing - but did find a common merganser on the Sauk River at the back of the 
campus, and a very friendly female pileated woodpecker that let us stop and 
look at her just a few feet from the car!

We checked both sides of the Mississippi River (Stearns and Benton Counties) 
and found lots of mallards and Canada geese, a few common mergansers, but more 
common goldeneyes than there have been lately, so that was encouraging.  There 
were also 4 trumpeter swans on the river.

Most fun bird of the day was a red-shouldered hawk on the south side of Hwy. 23 
about 4 miles north/east of St. Cloud.  It was sitting in a tree adjacent to 
the large green and white "Lamar" billboard sign.  This is the same spot there 
was a red-shouldered hawk early last year.

Betsy Beneke
St. Cloud, Benton Co

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