[Mpls] Wagenius vs. Skoglund?

2002-05-05 Thread MNMollyS
According to checksandbalances.com, Wes has expressed an interest in running for Sabo's open seat. Jean hasn't expressed any such interest. If Wes acts fast on this, he could lock up enough support before the May 18 convention that he could potentially run unchallenged. Molly Schultz Ward 11

[Mpls] Affordable housing and the myth of the 30% statistic

2002-01-22 Thread MNMollyS
I've often heard that rent is considered "affordable" at 30% of a person's income, but those numbers are really unrealistic. Case in point, Fred Markus points out that a person making $26,240 annually could, by these standards, afford to live in a $674 unit. What isn't considered is that the person

[Mpls] Minneapolis landmark closing!

2002-01-09 Thread MNMollyS
The Strib is reporting that the Museum of Questionable Medical Devices is closing January 27 when its owner, Bob McCoy retires. Most of his artifacts are being donated to the Science Museum, but for those who want to pay one last visit to the collection as a whole, get over there soon! I will defi

[Mpls] FBI racial profiling in Minneapolis?

2001-11-21 Thread MNMollyS
This could have gone completely unnoticed due to its being buried in another story, but today's Strib reports that John Ashcroft is asking police chiefs around the country, including here in Minneapolis, to assist with interviewing 5,000 young men who recently entered the country from regions known

[Mpls] RT & the Twins

2001-11-20 Thread MNMollyS
Anybody catch today's Strib article about stadium financing? RT was quoted: "The time for concepts is over," he said. "The owners need to get specific. The city needs to get specific."  But he said private financing would have to come first. "If there's a public entity that comes forward," he said

[Mpls] Red light districts

2001-11-11 Thread MNMollyS
Don't some neighborhoods or communities have a program where they "out" johns by running their license plate number and then sending them a notice "busting" them? I seem to recall when I lived in Chicago there was such a program. It was started in the hopes that men would think twice about cruising

[Mpls] The Twins

2001-11-09 Thread MNMollyS
OK, this may be my most unpopular post ever since I'm going to weigh in as a former CHEESEHEAD. So, as someone who comes from the home state of the great community-owned Green Bay Packers, here are my thoughts: If a community subsidizes a team by giving it tax breaks and building it a stadium, then

[Mpls] Re: Down with Wizard: Serious charges but no backing

2001-11-02 Thread MNMollyS
As someone who remembers Wizard's posts regarding the 9/11 tragedy and its aftermath, I was a bit surprised at the allegation that she was joking about it the next day. So I looked into the archives and read Wizard's posts from the days following. In one, she responded to a query of airplanes flyin

[Mpls] Re: The Strib's power

2001-10-22 Thread MNMollyS
Mind you, I'm counting these lines from the web version of the editorial and I'm only counting the lines in which the Strib discusses its endorsee: John Casserly's endorsement: 6 lines Sandy Colvin Roy's endorsement: 8 lines (and not many nice things to say about her in those eight lines) Barret L

[Mpls] Lisa's lack of introspection

2001-10-04 Thread MNMollyS
I certainly hope I don't have to spend the next four years reading about Lisa McDonald blaming everyone but Lisa McDonald for her loss! Lisa must not have gotten feedback from the many many people I spoke with while out campaigning for RTthe people who were considering voting for Lisa but afte

[Mpls] birds of prey and Lake of the Isles

2001-09-26 Thread MNMollyS
Folks, This has to be a two-subject post since it's my second of the day! First, I saw a hawk closing in on a bird the other morning (I was pulling for the other bird to make his escape!) and then yesterday, I saw another hawk ( or maybe it was the same one!) flying with what looked like a small r

[Mpls] Re: RT vs. Sharon...RT MIA day one

2001-09-26 Thread MNMollyS
Wow Dyna, these are good questions. I think it is important for every mayor to have a plan for these things, especially the flood...I  had honestly never thought of that as being a potential hazard! Eeek! One MORE thing to worry about! :) Please keep in mind that, as a candidate, RT is still a mem

Re: [Mpls] And let's fax our security and response plan to bin Laden

2001-09-25 Thread MNMollyS
My apologies to David...I get my posts in a digest form. David's post was in the same batch as another post asking the mayor what her plan was if a nuclear or biological attack on the city occurred. It was late...I got them juxtaposed in my response. I do stand by my point that candidates shouldn

[Mpls] And let's fax our security and response plan to bin Laden, while we're at it

2001-09-24 Thread MNMollyS
I agree with some list members that the discussion focused around RT vs. Sharon in a terrorist attack is completely ludicrous. First of all, I think we saw an example of a completely flawed and beleagured mayor rise in the face of horror and tragedy. The fact is, we have absolutely no way of knowin

[Mpls] New Sayles Belton tactic: scare people into voting for you

2001-09-24 Thread MNMollyS
I am more than a little disgusted by the mayor's use of the September 11 tragedy as an excuse for people to vote for her for reelection. I guess when you run out of provocative issues and new ideas for the city, the only thing left to do is play on peoples' fears about our country going to war and

[Mpls] one number vs. 911

2001-09-22 Thread MNMollyS
Well, I'm with Jonathan on this one. While I agree that a separate number may at first appear confusing and need sufficient publicity in order to be effective, I do think on some scale it will be more effective than 911. Now, obviously, if a Muslim is being chased down the street by a gang intent

[Mpls] backlash in the Muslim community

2001-09-14 Thread MNMollyS
As someone who is married to a Muslim, I am particularly concerned with reports of Muslim backlash around the country and concerned that we may start hearing reports of this locally. But even absent any overt attacks or acts of harassment, I'm still so discouraged with the anti-Muslim sentiment tha

[Mpls] Re: response to Dyna's shot at Lillehaug

2001-09-11 Thread MNMollyS
Your implication that David Lillehaug is accusing the mayor of a false endorsement because of her race is completely uncalled for. David clearly stated in his second post that he CALLED the Wellstone office personally and was told that Wellstone has not endorsed her. You and Carol can call it a gra

[Mpls] Re: The Rich Go To Jail

2001-06-15 Thread MNMollyS
I've been to a few Magic 8 Balls but I will definitely NOT be attending this one, as I agree that it's a completely tacky idea. However, the 8 Balls that I attended in the past were tasteful and fun and not AT ALL like this and actually raised a fair amount of money for the designated charity. B

[Mpls] Re: response to Denny Hill

2001-05-08 Thread MNMollyS
Mpls-Issues tip: please delete as much of this message's text as possible if replying to the list. Thanks! --- No Denny, I don't laugh at people who genuinely support and work hard for a candidate. I've worked for my share of candidates who weren't victorious and nothing hurts worse t

[Mpls] stonewall endorsement response to tim bonham

2001-05-08 Thread MNMollyS
Tim: I'm glad to hear your insight into the Stonewall endorsement process. However, if you're going to take into consideration whether or not a candidate stands a "serious" chance at getting elected, I'm wondering if you're endorsing too soon. RT's campaign is picking up some serious momentum

[Mpls] Re: David's thank yous for city caucus support

2001-05-07 Thread MNMollyS
David: I think you forgot to thank the three delegates who called for division and got the show of hands countedI remember you telling me on Saturday night that they saved the day, God bless them! Molly Schultz ___ Minneapolis Issues Forum - Minn