Dear all,

Is "repair by sort" working for building spatial indexes on spatial columns?

I have a table with a spatial column for storing geospatial data. My table
is rather big (18M records, 7GB disk space)

When I want to add a spatial index "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX geomindex ON
arcs(geometry)", I end up to a "repair from keycache" process state for a
quite long time (I killed it after several hours).

I tried to increase the myisam_max_sort_file_size to 30GB (I have the disk
space) but it didn't help.
If I try on a smaller table (90K records, 100MB), with the same parameter
set to 30GB, I still have the "repair by keycache" issue. So this is not
likely a temp file size limitation.

If I add an index on another column of my 18M records table, "repair using
sort" works.

I am using mysql 5.0.32



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