I'm a new user, working through the tutorial provided in the MySQL documentation 
(chapter 9). I'm trying to load the data from the pet.txt file into the pet table 
using the specified command: mysql> load data local infile "pet.txt" into table pet; 

I get the following: 
File 'pet.txt' not found (Errcode: 2)

I assumed that the text file was in the wrong directory, and reviewed the section 
describing the load data local command. Just to be safe, I put copies of the text file 
in several locations, including the menagerie directory (which should be the only one 
required), the bin directory, and the mysql directory. I still get the error message. 

What might I be doing wrong?

Also, is there a FAQ that might hold the answer to newbie questions like this?

Thanks for the help.

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