
We have done the following test, which boils down to a simple connect and then 
a select * from accounts; (accounts=MyISAM, 3 records, 3 columns).

Clientside: A stable win32 app capable of using any libmysql.dll
Serverside: 4.1.7-nt win32 MySQL service (stable download), with vanilla setup
Location: Client and Server running on same win32 machine (XP/SP2)
Communication: TCP/IP
Username/Password: root/ (full privileges)

Test A: 
1. Setup client with any 3.23.x-4.1.0 libmysql.dll (as provided with 
2. Start MySQL
3. Connect & Select
4. Result = OK
5. Disconnect, now use any >4.1.1 libmysql.dll
6. Connect & Select
7. Result = columnnames screwy, i.e. contains illegible characters
[8. Optionally switch back and forth between dlls, result is the same, i.e. 
connecting with any 4.1.1+ dll gives odd results while anything <4.1.0 works 
9. Shutdown MySQL

Test B (Inverse sequence): 
1. Setup client with >4.1.1 libmysql.dll (as provided with distribution)
2. Restart MySQL
3. Connect & Select
4. Result = OK
5. Disconnect, now use 3.23.x-4.1.0 libmysql.dll
6. Connect & Select
7. Result = columnnames screwy, i.e. contains illegible characters
[8. Optionally switch back and forth between dlls, result is the same, i.e. 
connecting with any <4.1.0 dll gives odd results while anything 4.1.1+ works 
9. Shutdown MySQL

Conclusion: MySQL 4.1.7 sets itself up for either an old or new style 
connection (i.e. CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 in client/server capabilities) depending on 
the version of the first client which connects to it after it initially fires 
up. After which the other type (i.e. old or new) can't communicate with it 
properly.  Initial connections are fine, but pulling any results, result in 
weird columnnames.

We have done exactly the same tests (i.e. A and B) with other versions of 
MySQL, ex. 3.23.42, 4.0.20, 4.1.4 and even 5.0.0a all of which returned the 
correct results independent of the client version connecting first after it 
starts up, and always returns the correct results and columnames.  In all tests 
the client app was exactly the same, no different settings, only the MySQL AB 
client dll was exchanged.

We would appreciate any feedback as to if this is in fact a bug, or some MySQL 
setting causing this behavior or if this is something specific to our MySQL 
4.1.7 installation (i.e. if no one else experience these symptoms with their 
4.1.7 MySQL).


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