Could someone please help me to get rid of "Using temporary; Using filesort" 
from the following SQL statement?
SELECT a.document_id AS id, attr_name AS name, attr_value AS value, attr_order 
AS ord FROM attributes a INNER JOIN status s ON (a.document_id = s.document_id) 
WHERE update_flag = 2 order by a.document_id,attr_name,attr_order;
attributes table has 17,416,181 records and status table has 335,268 records. 
For each document_id in status table, there will be many records in attributes 
The above query took around 762 seconds in the worst case.
For each excution there will be upto 5000 records returned from status table 
with update_flag = 2 and around 300,000 records from attributes table.
# Query_time: 762  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 262293  Rows_examined: 791879SELECT 
a.document_id AS id, attr_name AS name, attr_value AS value, attr_order AS ord 
FROM attributes a INNER JOIN status s ON (a.document_id = s.document_id) WHERE 
update_flag = 2 order by a.document_id,attr_name,attr_order;
mysql> explain SELECT a.document_id AS id, attr_name AS name, attr_value AS 
value, attr_order AS ord FROM attributes a INNER JOIN status s ON 
(a.document_id = s.document_id) WHERE update_flag = 2 order by 
a.document_id,attr_name,attr_order \G*************************** 1. row 
***************************           id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: 
s         type: refpossible_keys: ix_status_documentid,ix_status_updateflag     
     key: ix_status_updateflag      key_len: 2          ref: const         
rows: 1        Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using 
filesort*************************** 2. row ***************************          
 id: 1  select_type: SIMPLE        table: a         type: refpossible_keys: 
index_three,ix_attributes_documentid          key: index_three      key_len: 
257          ref: jacobjitems.s.document_id         rows: 52        Extra:2 
rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show create table attributes \G*************************** 1. row 
***************************       Table: attributesCreate Table: CREATE TABLE 
`attributes` (  `document_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,  `attr_name` varchar(64) 
NOT NULL,  `attr_value` varchar(4000) NOT NULL,  `attr_order` smallint(6) 
default NULL,  `attr_include` tinyint(1) default '1',  KEY `index_three` 
(`document_id`,`attr_name`,`attr_order`),  KEY `ix_attributes_documentid` 
(`document_id`),  KEY `ix_attributes_attr_name` (`attr_name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM 
mysql> show create table status \G*************************** 1. row 
***************************       Table: statusCreate Table: CREATE TABLE 
`status` (  `document_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,  `update_flag` tinyint(4) 
default '1',  `collection_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,  KEY 
`ix_status_documentid` (`document_id`),  KEY `ix_status_updateflag` 
(`update_flag`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin11 row in set (0.00 sec)
Thanks in advance for your help !!!

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