I am trying to analyze a query that is taking forever.
I am new to this so or rather desperate.
I would assume that my query would be faster, if
the event id (*.cid) Primary key were used to search
for rows in the iphdr table with the same event id, 
but I don't think that is happening. Could some one tell
me if my assumption is correct and how can I get the
query to use the primary *.cid keys. It appears that
the developer created a table that joined signature, iphdr, and event
tables together to solve the problem of speed to create the Acid_event
table. I would still like to know how can I improve
my query?

thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Jacob 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 19:50
To: Jacob, Raymond A Jr
Subject: query analysis

version: MySQL-Max-3.23.58-1
DESC iphdr;
DESC event;
DESC signature;
DESC acid_event

select count(ip_dst) as ip_dst_count, inet_ntoa(ip_dst)
from iphdr, event , signature
where ( event.timestamp > now() - interval 24 hour ) and 
      (event.cid = iphdr.cid and event.signature = signature.sig_id 
      and signature.sig_sid = 1432 )
      group by ip_dst order by ip_dst_count desc limit 100;

sid|int(10) unsigned||PRI|0|
cid|int(10) unsigned||PRI|0|
ip_src|int(10) unsigned||MUL|0|
ip_dst|int(10) unsigned||MUL|0|
ip_ver|tinyint(3) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_hlen|tinyint(3) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_tos|tinyint(3) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_len|smallint(5) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_id|smallint(5) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_flags|tinyint(3) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_off|smallint(5) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_ttl|tinyint(3) unsigned|YES||NULL|
ip_proto|tinyint(3) unsigned|||0|
ip_csum|smallint(5) unsigned|YES||NULL|

sid|int(10) unsigned||PRI|0|
cid|int(10) unsigned||PRI|0|
signature|int(10) unsigned||MUL|0|
timestamp|datetime||MUL|0000-00-00 00:00:00|

sig_id|int(10) unsigned||PRI|NULL|auto_increment
sig_class_id|int(10) unsigned||MUL|0|
sig_priority|int(10) unsigned|YES||NULL|
sig_rev|int(10) unsigned|YES||NULL|
sig_sid|int(10) unsigned|YES||NULL|

Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
sid     int(10) unsigned                PRI     0       
cid     int(10) unsigned                PRI     0       
signature       int(10) unsigned                MUL     0       
sig_name        varchar(255)    YES     MUL     NULL    
sig_class_id    int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    
sig_priority    int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    
timestamp       datetime                MUL     0000-00-00 00:00:00     
ip_src  int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    
ip_dst  int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    
ip_proto        int(11) YES     MUL     NULL    
layer4_sport    int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    
layer4_dport    int(10) unsigned        YES     MUL     NULL    

Query Analysis
event|range|sig,time|time|8|NULL|39382|where used; Using temporary; Using filesort
iphdr|ALL|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL|375383|where used
signature|eq_ref|PRIMARY|PRIMARY|4|event.signature|1|where used

cartesian product= 14,783,333,306

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