Right now you can't.
What you can do is to increase (e.g. double) the length of the path (as each of
the first 20 could be deleted) and add a limit 20 at the end, but it won't get
faster that way.
But good question.
Am 18.07.2014 um 16:36 schrieb Dissolubilis :
> I have some linked l
I have some linked list:
And I can query it by next simple statement:
MATCH (start:Post{Id:{post}})-[:NEXT*0..19]->posts
RETURN posts
It returns 20 posts.
But if my query is like that:
MATCH (start:Post{Id:{post}})-[:NEXT*0..19]->posts
I have some linked list:
And I can query it by simple statement:
MATCH (start:Post{Id:{post}})-[:NEXT*0..19]->posts
RETURN posts
For example it returns 20 posts.
But if my query is like that (I mark some nodes as Deleted):
MATCH (start:Post