Net-SNMP devs,
After a few discussion in IRC, I feel that I have an understanding on why 
project leadership prefers patches over merge request. I would like to 
summarize them here to make sure that my understanding is correct. Patches are 
applied in the master and the current release's branch (at present this is 
v5.7-patch), and local/gittools/shell-functions makes sure that patches are 
applied to both branches, or removed it if the patch application fails in 
either branch. However, in another conversation over IRC I learned that in the 
past code submitted through merge request required significant rework that 
really can't be automated.

To me, SF's merge request mechanism not having an ability to view a diff of 
what's being submitted is frustrating. If I have to do a git fetch just so I 
can run git diff on the changes included in the merge request; I would go "f*** 
it" and just fix issues with the submitted code changes myself. Unfortunately, 
I feel that this is a disservice to the project team and the merge request 
submitter. Now someone just did extra work they didn't need to do, and the 
submitter doesn't have an opportunity to learn from their mistake.

If the team is willing to give merge requests another shot, this is the process 
that I would propose:

1. We instruct contributors what branch they should be using to make their 
changes based on what their code change is for. Bug fixes should go in current 
patch branch; new features go in master.

2. Review the merge request diff by running
    git fetch git://<submitter's repo path>
    git diff <commit at the top of the merge request list> <commit at the 
bottom of the merge request list>

3. When all is well, run
    git merge <commit at the top of the merge request list> <commit at the 
bottom of the merge request list>

4. If we don't like what we see do our best to provide feedback to the 
submitter so they can redo their merge request. Unfortunately, SF doesn't 
provide a way to easily point out the lines of codes you found issues with that 
other software forges provides.

I hope this gets the ball rolling in helping streamline the patch 
submission/merge request process. Questions/comments appreciated.

Keith (pantherse)

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