On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> I can't remember exactly, but I think the problem is related to the
> XF86Config/XF86Config-4 file(s)
> There's a setting in there:  sw_cursor   and I think another related one:
> noaccel  that nee to be set. Although it's been a long time since I seen
> anything about this.
> You might wish to check the archives (search on "square") 'cause I do
> remember there being a discussion on it here.
> --Greg
> ----- Original Message -----
> I've installed LM 7.1 and everything works fine except my mouse! Instead a
> pointer I only see a white square :-((
> What can I do?
> My mouse as two buttons and a wheel (Intellimouse compatible). I've tried
> change the type of the mouse in Drakconf but it don't change!
You might also need to run 'imwheel' or similar to get the wheel to operate.
just pop it in your autostart folder
 > Some help, please!
> AF

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