Hi all,

I still have big problems to install my internet connection via ISDN.
I thorougly studied the manual at www.mandrakeuser.org but it still doesn't work.

Whenever I try to visit an URL with the Netscape Navigator, the Website is never 
displayed in the broswer, although 
15 minutes waiting time should be enough.

Now I am searching for a Mandrake user who is willing to send me his ISDN 
configuration files,
of course without password!

I'd like to fix the problem by comparing my configuration files with an intact 

I need especially the files

/etc/isdn/profile/link/myisp', your dial-up profile 
/etc/isdn/profile/card/mycard', your hardware profile 
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets' or '/etc/ppp/chap-secrets', your password file 
/etc/resolv.conf', the DNS data file 
/etc/rc.d/rc.local', your start-up batch file 

I would be extremly happy to find a German Mandraker who connects via T-online to 
the internet. 
In this case our internet service provider would be identical.

With kind regards


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