Sorry it took so long to get back to you.  Below is an excerpt from my
XF86Config file that shows how my SiS 6326 AGP is set up.  It should be no
different for a PCI card.  The below assumes the XF86_SVGA server in
Mandrake 7.0.

# Device configured by Xconfigurator:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|86C326"
    VendorName  "Sertek"
    BoardName   "3DPro"
    VideoRam    4096
    Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
    # Option "fifo_moderate"
    # Option "fifo_conserv"
    # Option "fifo_aggresive"
    Option "fast_vram"
    Option "pci_burst_on"
    # Option "xaa_benchmark" # DON'T use with "ext_eng_queue" !!!
    # Option "ext_eng_queue" # Turbo-queue. This can cause drawing
                             # errors, but gives some accel
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

The 'Option "no_accell"...' line was commented out be default after I ran
Xconfigurator thus accell was enabled.  Uncommenting the line disabled
accell and now my display is good.  I hope this helps you.  Some where on
the WWW, perhaps on the SuSe page, there exists a SiS 6326 HOWTO.  I'll try
to find the URL and send it to you but you may try to find it yourself.  It
has some good info.

Chuck Morton

----- Original Message -----
From: "^*Tim*^ *^Seedorf^*" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2000 10:06 AM
Subject: [newbie] About the known problem with SiS

> I was wondering,if anyone could tell me where in the file
> i would insert the code 'noaccel'
> i need to know for my linux to work,thanx.....please check this file and
> tell me
> Tim
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