...--[original dated 07.12.99, 06:55:54]--...

> Save   new compiled kernel  to a file.
> Ran  make dep;  clean; bzImage; install; modules; modules_install
> ran /sbin/lilo............rebooted........hung up at "Finding Module
> Dependencies"
> Hit ctl-c and finished booting.
> Found I had not nic, sound, and ppp support and maybe others no doubt
> due to the dependencies thing.

> I noticed someone else had a similar problem but didn't see a detailed
> solution other than he had to clean up some files.

> Suggestions please?
        Well, I solved that problem by simply deleting the modules of the old
kernel (like "rm -r /usr/lib/modules/2.2.13-22mdk") and then executing a
'make modules_install' and 'depmod -a'. Seems like the modules of the old
kernel that are no longer used by your new kernel are confusing the

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