Well, I thought I was a happy camper......... When I was finally able to download the 3 9.0 CD's. I burned and started my install.......... which went flawlessly....... I was greatly impressed :D

I rebooted, logged in as root, play around a bit, being nosy with MC, and finally started X. I was ecstatic, I finally had sound, something I was never able to make work with any previous version of Mandrake. :) I even managed to get my cd burner working, by just editing the fstab file........ I went through the various configuration utils, looking things over, etc....... then started the Mandrake Control Center, which promptly locked things up tighter than a drum. (Having read some posts in here, I see that there is, or could be a problem with it) No worries, I said.... I can work around that. Rebooted, fixed the file system, logged in as root, started X, and went over things again, and MCC started without a hitch........ changed a few minor things..... logged out, rebooted into my normal user account......... immediately after entering my password at the prompt it locked up........

Anyway, I've tried several installs, even managed to log into X with my user account........did all sorts of things, burned a cd, etc....... loved having sound, although certain function of the SB Live that i have weren't recognized, but that's another story...... :D

I like Evolution, Konqueror is nice.......KDE is nice........ everything is nice......

Perhaps someone can look at what I've done and give some pointers? At this point I'm lost. I had none of these problems with 8.x and back........aside from no sound........

The machine is a Gateway Select 800, about 2 years old, runs great..........and has run everything from Dos to XP, Red Hat, Mandrake, and Warp 4.......at one time or another......

AMD Athlon 800 (Slot A)
512 Megs of Ram
Primary HD, Quantum 40 GIG, C,E,F,G
Secondary HD, Maxtor 80 GIG, D,H,I,J
Nvidia based Riva TNT2 video with 32 megs.
LiteON 48x CD Reader
LiteON 32x Writer
Happague WinTV card
LinkSys 10/100 NIC
Sound Blaster Live Value OEM card......

All of the above properly recognized by Mandrake..........no fuss no muss

I installed Mandrake on hdb1, a 10 gig partition, using the auto-allocate button, with a 1 gig root, 250 meg swap, 6 gig user, and 2.7 gig home partitions...... it didn't seem to matter whether i used auto allocate or did it on my own..........

and once the install was done, i let mandrake auto-update..........

I did not install a bootmanager, since i prefer booting linux from a floppy........ old habit, i guess.......and i don't feel like having to deal with a windows install install right now, in case windows decides to puke because of it.........I don't think this has anything to do with my problems.

So, I'm stumped...............

The random lockups, most being when i decide tae run MCC or any another drake utility............ and fsck doesn't fix any problems that are created, i have to re-install..........

What am I doing wrong? Is it the partition I'm installing on? I don't see being any of the hardware in the machine aside form that.......and aside from what I've read about MCC, and some of the problems with KDE after upgrading.........

Anyone want tae jump in and give a newbie a kick? ;)


Joe Lemere

"keep yer friends close, and yer enemies closer........that's why i have 98, ME, 2000, and XP installed on other machines in the house......"....... :p

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