I am one of the lucky ones. I am using the Road Runner service, and I have 
had no problem connecting with Linux. I got my connection working by
going to DrakConf>Network and Internet Configuration   and then selecting
'Configure cable connection'. If memory serves me, I did have to go into 
Linuxconfig and set the DNS info manually. I also re-booted to make sure 
my changes took effect. (Can you tell I'm a windows convert?)

Now, I'm no expert, but a couple things come to mind;
1). Is it possible that your RR franchise has given you a static IP address, 
and is not using DHCP?
2). You may need to set a specific host name. Check with customer support.
3). I'm sure you've already checked this, but what the heck, I'll ask anyway.
Is your network card supported under Linux?

If you have everything set up correctly, you may just have to wait a while 
for the dhcp server to dole you out an IP address. 

Hope that helps,

On Monday 16 April 2001 00:22, you wrote:
> Any comments thanks in advance??
> When i run ifup eth0 I get an error message unable to get ip info via
> dhcpcd. I have went thru netconf a dozen times.If i am using dhcp then no
> need to enter the Ip address or any of the other things DNS etc. Correct?
> FYI: Linux for Windows (7.2 Mandrake) on a Hp 600mhz ceoron 256mb ram,
> realtek networkcard trying to get online
> via Cable modem Road Runner acess.........

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