Art Rowe wrote:

I have used Outlook Express and like it very much,

What is Outlook Express?
but I am running Mandrake
Linux only at the moment. I am not sure about KFM browser, but Linux Netscape
Mail does HTML fine.
Yes it does.
I like to have HTML turned on because some of my mail
lists come that way and look much better.
True, But you can post in text and read text or html like I almost always do.  Because if you post in text more people can read your E-mail and the person that can help you might only read his e-mail from pine.
I have a rather basic system Pentium
133 and a 1.6 hard drive.
I'm sorry
I would think people with at least that much
computing power could reasd html if they want to.
Alot of people don't have fast pentium systems or bandwidth to burn.
If they don't want to,
perhaps they czn just skip those messages.
I agree with you.  And would like to add that I wish Mandrake digest came in html.


> HTML is bulkier as a lot of formatting tags and other extranious
> non-information bearing garbage.  What's wrong with a plain text message.
> Also, not everyone is equipped to handle html, I'm pretty sure Pine doesn't.

Mike Bulmer

PS. I will post this in HTML jus cuz!

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