... and yet another ;)

I have enabled sshd (openssh) on my Mandrake SNF 7.2 Firewall. I can ssh 
there without any  problem. (ssh port open, any host allowed, see below)

When I have logged on localy to the fw I can also access any computer 
behind the fw using ssh from the fw.

The troubles start when I log on to the fw remotely (from outside the fw) 
and then want to open another ssh taking me to *any* computer within the 
local network. Allthough I can ping the machine.....

[root@fw /]# ping
PING ( 56 octets data
64 octets from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.2 ms
64 octets from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.8 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.8/2.0/2.2 ms

.... I can not ssh to that very machine :(

[root@fw /]# ssh -v
OpenSSH_2.5.2p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090581f
debug1: Seeding random number generator
debug1: Rhosts Authentication disabled, originating port will not be trusted.
debug1: ssh_connect: getuid 0 geteuid 0 anon 1
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.

here ssh waits indefinately. :((((

in /etc/hosts.allow is opne to all: sshd: ALL

/etc/hosts.deny is set to ALL:ALL EXCEPT localhost:DENY

any clue?

Thank you!


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