--- Barry Premeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>SKLIM wrote:
><blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi !
><p>I am Linux Mandrake user as well . The same problem I have when installing
><br>startoffice at mandrake 7.1
><p>I have download the JRE and I copy in into /tmp .
><p>I have enter the command tar xvzf jre*
><p>What next ... ? Is it the startoffice will auto search for it ?
><p>Best Regards,
>If you have blackdown's version, copy it into /usr and untar it there.
><br>It will create its own directory.&nbsp; When you open SO, it automatically
><br>for it.&nbsp; To check, open the Bookmarks (Click on the arrow above
>the tack
><br>on the left hand side.&nbsp; It took me forever to find them.).&nbsp;
>You will find a
><br>Bookmark for Java and under that Java Setup.&nbsp; If SO found it ok,
><br>will see it in the frame.&nbsp; Click OK and the next time you open
>SO, Java
><br>will be enabled.
>Barry :-)
>Registered Linux User #183879</pre>

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