Hi all,
Just moved from RH6.1 to Mandrake 7.0 on the weekend, hey this is much
nicer....only two
problems that won't go away though.  Any help appreciated.

1. The 'recommended' Mandrake install doesn't seem to be able to drive
my floppy properly.  It used to work
before Mandrake.  On default install it only read DOS disks, but not
previously saved linux disks.
/etc/fstab (for floppy)used to look something like:
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fdo 0 0     (after
causing "bash: cd: /mnt/floppy: Input/output error"   but read DOS disks

so I started fiddling to fix it but still no luck.  Even using a highly
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy ext2     noauto,user,rw 0 0     (plus other
variants)causes trying to mount it with
"mount: /mnt/floppy is not a block device".
What gives here?

2. Once KPPP(pppd) is active, I cannot start any other programs, hence I
need to start Netscape
before I dial.  Existing programs still work. When I drop the modem link
all starts working normally again.
Apart from this, everything appears to function well.

Any clues?


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