LILO itself remains on your Linux fs. It writes a little modification to the
boot sector of your bootable drive (whichever you tell it that is). The
modification allows you to tell your machine what bootable partition (on any
drive) to boot up.
When you start the install, the program will ask you where you want to install
Linux. You will then tell it which disk you want it on. It will let you
set up partitions on that disk, and then it will let you write file-systems
onto those partitions--what DOS users call formatting.
HTH. --doug

At 09:11 PM 09/10/2000 -0700, you wrote:
I ordered a 2 hardrive (15.3 Maxtor) for Mandrake 7.1, my question is does
Grub or Lilo install on the first part of my drive (one for linux) or on my
win98se drive (windoze)? I "thought" I heard someone say it goes on Win98
drive instead of Linux one, but it does not seem to make since, since BIOS
uses whatever drive i tell it to use it can be on eaither i correct
on this?
Second question, when i put in cd to boot to the new drive does the Mandrake
install give me a option to format drive, or do i have to figure out how to
format drive before install of mandrake? And how would i do that if it is

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