I've been reading the Beowulf HOWTO and i have been trying to find a way to
impliment this into an ISP/ASP Infrastructure.  I was thinking of using this
time of "supercomputer" as a WEB/MAIL Server.  Can any tell me if this would
be effective in this type of environment or if it would be uneffective.  The
reason for this is due to the fact that our customer base is growing at
somewhat of a rapid pace and we have a little of 5000 users hitting our mail
server so it does take some strain, also we have a large amount of web
hosting as well and we probably have a little of 600 domains on our systems
right now and only 3 web servers.  I guess the so called "IDEA" here is to
see if it is also cost effective to do this buy having say 5 computers in a
Beowulf cluster running Web services with Mail services as well.

Please send me as much info as possible on this because my employers think
that this could be a great solution for our network.


Benjamin Branch
System Administrator

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