n attempting to configure my internal ATAPI-IDE Zip drive I found the
following advice (I have lost the source):

"Here's how to use an IDE ATAPI zip drive on Linux.  
First, the kernel:

Do _not_ use the "IDE FLOPPY" option (officially the name is 
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDEFLOPPY ).  This will work perfectly for reading and
writing, but it will not work for ejecting.  What you need to do is say yes to
the option CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI.  When this is set, you will treat the IDE
ATAPI drive just like a SCSI drive, except without the SCSI card and all that
other garbage......"

I don't know how to access the options  referred to. 
Any suggestions much appreciated.

Michael Coady


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