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Subject: SCSI, CD-RW, LS120 Problem
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 22:41:26 -0500
From: Jeffrey Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I changed the locations of my CD-RW and LS-120 drives and now the system
thinks the LS-120 is my CD-RW. When I do a 'cdrecord -scanbus', it list the
Matshita LS-120 on 'scsibus0' as a removable drive. And when I start
X-CD-ROAST, it only shows the LS-120 as a device (it worked before). I assume
I need the change something in the '/etc/lilo.conf' or something ? I can read
from both my CDROM drives (from the desktop prompts), but I can't set the
CD-RW up to record and I can't access the LS120. On bootup the drives are 
corerectly displayed as :

hda: LS120
hdb: CDROM
hdc: CD-RW




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