I am using an MS IntelliMouse PS/2.

Using the instructions contained at:


I made the following changes to the "pointer" section of the file

Commented out the lines containing "Emulate 3" and added the following (and

    ZAxisMapping 4 5
    Buttons 3

Newbie Note: Make real sure you have one space between "ZAxisMapping" and
"4" as well as one space between the "4" and the "5". Also make real sure
you have one space between "Buttons" and "3". If you don't do this, your
next boot will fail at the linuxconf line. You will have to logon to the
shell as root and edit the file to include the appropriate spaces. Then a
reboot will work to get you back to the visual Mandrake logon. Don't go
through the same hassle I did. Type it properly the first time!!

After successfully logging onto Mandrake as root, I ran a terminal session
and did the following:

<terminal command> ps -ef | grep imwheel
<results> root 1057 1  0  20:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k

Sure enough, the imwheel program was running. (It was running before, but
with the "old" pointer configuration. The mouse now scrolled (pretty nicely,
I might add), but only when root was logged on.

Examining the running processes while a user is logged on revealed that
the imwheel program was not running. Playing a hunch.... I logged onto a
terminal as a user, then issued the "su" command and ran the "imwheel -k"
command. Voila.... scrolling now works for a user, until he/she logs off.
Obviously some kind of permission problem.

Applying a fix suggested by Alan Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, I did the

in a console, as root, type:

 chmod 6755 /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel

Then in your desktop (not as root, but as a regular user),
right-click the desktop and choose New->Application.  This
will open an applet where you can change the name from
'Program.kdelnk' to 'imwheel.kdelnk' and then, when you press
'ENTER', it will create an icon on your desktop and a window
will open.  Choose the Execute tab in that window  and in the
upper 'Execute' window type:

/usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k

Then way at the bottom of the window press the 'ok' button.
Now drag this new icon into the Autostart directory (folder
icon) on your desktop.  That's it!  Imwheel will start
whenever your GUI starts.

This works!!!!! Mice were meant to scroll!!!!

BTW -- This fix also works for MS IntelliMice with a serial connection to
the computer.

 - William Arndt   http://members.home.net/arndtw/

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