
I just installed Mandrake 7.0, and find it terrific, everything just works
out of the box.  I'm somewhat new to Linux, and have a question regarding
the "correct"
way to start issue the dhclient command.

I need to use dhcp with the @home service. I've done some digging, and found
that dhclient
with a customized dhclient.conf works as I need it to. I removed the dhcpcd
package, as it seemed redundant.

My question: How do I get dhclient to run when I go into init level 3? I
could toss the command into rc.local, but that doesn't seem to be correct.
should it be a start up script in rc3.d? It's not really a script however,
but a simple command...

I've looked at the stuff on the RH site about init scripts, and while
interesting, doesn't tell me how to treat this..

any suggestions appreciated.

thanks in advance.


Francis Bruening

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