** Reply to message from Derek Rayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 1 Mar 2001
18:45:10 -0800 (PST)

Your modem problem.  Which COM port are you using?  They map this way:

/dev/ttyS0  -- COM1
/dev/ttyS1  -- COM2
/dev/ttyS2  -- COM3
/dev/ttyS3  -- COM4

it is case sensitive, /dev/ttys0 is not the same as /dev/ttyS0....  typical
UNIX....   If you are using a COM port with a unique IRQ (for example I use COM3
with IRQ 10, where the default is IRQ 4), then Linux won't see your modem
properly.  The way to fix it is to use setserial

setserial /dev/ttyS2 IRQ 10  -- this is my command.

Now, each time you boot, Linux forgets your setserial command.  I have the
notes at home, and don't remember where to put it so that it will set everytime,
but if I remember right, it goes in my rc.d file, which I think is in /etc/rc.d
-- but I'm not sure about that.

Hope this helps -- Andy

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